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Dynamic Tiering



The KamioKash Dynamic Tiering System enhances user engagement by dynamically categorizing members into tiers. This categorization is based on a combination of factors including transaction volume, transaction count, and the value of transactions over a specified duration. This system encourages continuous interaction with the platform through exclusive rewards and recognitions, adjusting to user activity to offer the most relevant benefits.

Tier Structure and Dynamics


Rewards tier progression is only calculated on positive transactions such as EARN transactions.

BURN and EXPIRY are ignored.

Precedence and Priority

Tiers are assigned precedence, where lower numbers indicate a higher priority. For example, Platinum holds a higher precedence over Gold, with Platinum represented as 5 and Gold as 4. This precedence affects the order and priority of rewards distribution among tiers.

Duration and Activity Window

Each tier has a specified duration in months, representing a rolling window of activity that is considered for tier evaluation. Some tiers may not have a duration (blank), indicating that there is no specific activity window, and evaluation is based on cumulative activity.

Transaction Volume and Count

Membership tier evaluation considers two key factors over the specified duration:

  • Transaction Volume: The total monetary value of transactions conducted by a member.
  • Transaction Count: The total number of transactions conducted by a member.

These factors contribute to dynamic tier adjustments, ensuring members are placed in the appropriate tier based on their recent activity.

Dynamic Points Calculation

The KamioKash Tiering System introduces a sophisticated approach to evaluating transaction volumes through a feature known as the "Calculation Field." This field plays a crucial role in determining whether a member's activity warrants a change in tier status—either an advancement or a demotion.

Calculation Field Overview

  • Purpose: The Calculation Field dynamically assesses a member's transaction volume. It uses either the original transaction amount or the calculated points amount to determine tier adjustments.
  • Functionality: Depending on the tiering strategy set by KamioKash, the Calculation Field can:
    • Original Transaction Amount: Evaluate the actual monetary value of transactions conducted by the member.
    • Calculated Points Amount: Consider the number of points earned from transactions, which may be influenced by promotional offers, specific member activities, or tier-based multipliers.
  • Tier Movement: This dynamic evaluation ensures that members are placed in the appropriate tier that reflects their current engagement and transaction behavior on the platform. It allows for a more fluid and responsive tiering system that can adapt to both increases and decreases in member activity.

Impact on Members

Members should be aware that their tier status is not solely based on transaction frequency but also on the value those transactions bring to the platform. The Calculation Field ensures a fair and equitable system that rewards members not just for how much they spend or transact but also for the value they derive from and contribute to KamioKash.

  • Advancing Tiers: To move up a tier, members may need to increase their transaction volume either through higher value transactions or by engaging in activities that yield more points.
  • Maintaining Tiers: Members aiming to maintain their current tier status should focus on consistent engagement that aligns with the calculation criteria.
  • Risk of Demotion: A decrease in transaction volume, as assessed by the Calculation Field, could result in a tier demotion. Members are encouraged to stay active and take advantage of opportunities to earn more points.

Strategy for Members

Understanding how the Calculation Field impacts tier status can help members strategize their engagement with KamioKash. By focusing on high-value transactions or participating in point-boosting activities, members can influence their tier position positively.

Managing Dynamic Tiers in KamioKash

Monitoring Tier Status

Members and administrators can monitor tier status through the KamioKash portal, which reflects current tier, transaction volume, transaction count, and points calculation over the designated duration.

Adjusting to Member Activity

The tiering system automatically adjusts based on member activity within the rolling window, dynamically recalculating tiers based on the latest data. Members are notified of any tier changes and the associated benefits or requirements.

Api and Integration

The Tiering system is made to be pluggable and allow maximum flexibility, that being said, it does not limit purchases on the API side, that logic should be handled by your application, to do this we expose the tier precedence on the product and on the wallet

Example logic:

const hasRequiredTier = product.tier
? product.tier <= (wallet?.tier?.precedence ?? 0)
: true;


Q: How often are tiers recalculated?
A: Tiers are recalculated at the end of each month, taking into account the rolling window of activity specified for each tier.

Q: Can my tier change if I increase my transaction volume or count?
A: Yes, increasing your transaction volume or count during the rolling window can elevate your tier status, subject to the specific criteria of each tier.

Q: What happens if my transaction activity decreases?
A: A decrease in transaction activity can result in a lower tier assignment during the next recalculation period. Continuous engagement is key to maintaining or advancing your tier status.

Feedback and Support

Your engagement and feedback are vital to the continuous improvement of the KamioKash Dynamic Tiering System. For queries, suggestions, or assistance, please reach out to our support team via the KamioKash portal or at [email protected]