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KamioKash includes built-in alerting functionality to notify users of various events within the system. Alerts are sent to the configured email addresses on the Organization Page within the Admin portal. We support both Billing and Operations contacts.

Multiple email addresses can receive alerts by separating them with a comma ",".

Alert Types

Low Stock Alerts

Low stock alerts are triggered when stock levels reach a low threshold. This threshold is configured on the Link between the voucher and your organization.

System Downtime Alerts

System downtime alerts inform users of any unexpected system outages or maintenance periods. These alerts are critical for minimizing disruption and ensuring timely resolution of issues.

Security Alerts

Security alerts are sent in the event of any suspicious activity or potential security breaches. These alerts help protect the integrity and security of the system and its data.

Billing Alerts

Billing alerts notify users of upcoming billing cycles, payment due dates, and any discrepancies in billing. These alerts help maintain financial accuracy and transparency.

Configuring Alerts

To configure alerts, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Organization Page within the Admin portal.
  2. Locate the Contact Settings section.
  3. Enter the email addresses for Billing and Operations contacts, separated by commas if multiple recipients are needed.
  4. Save your changes.

Managing Alert Thresholds

Alert thresholds can be managed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Partner Links section within the Admin portal.
  2. Locate the Threshold Settings.
  3. Set the desired threshold values for each alert type. Else a default of 1 will be utilized.
  4. Save your changes.

Feedback and Support

Your engagement and feedback are vital to the continuous improvement of the KamioKash Dynamic Tiering System. For queries, suggestions, or assistance, please reach out to our support team via the KamioKash portal or at [email protected]