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Partner Management


This document outlines the management of partners within our platform, specifically detailing how Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) assist in configuring and setting up campaigns. Partners are linked to specific campaigns and assigned to tiers, each with a designated start and expiry date to regulate the availability of partner-associated products or services.


Activation and Management

  • Enabling Tiers: For the functionality of tiers to be available, they must be activated within your organization. This activation allows CSRs to manage tier assignments effectively.
  • Tier Precedence: Our API extends a tierPrecedence attribute for each product. This attribute helps CSRs and front-end developers implement logic that dictates product visibility and availability based on tier settings.

Tier Filters

  • Customization for Customer Visibility: Tier filters are instrumental in tailoring the customer's view, ensuring that only relevant products are displayed according to the tier configuration.

Product Display Logic

  • Visibility of All Products: Should the user interface be set to display all products, the tierPrecedence field is crucial for managing how availability messages and other UI elements are presented.
  • Unrestricted Access Considerations: It is possible for users to access any product regardless of tier configurations unless UI restrictions are applied. It is vital to enforce all policy controls through the user interface to prevent unauthorized access or redemption of products.

CSR Role in Partner Management

  • Campaign Setup and Configuration: CSRs play a pivotal role in linking partners to campaigns and managing tier assignments. Proper training and familiarity with the platform's capabilities are crucial for CSRs to avoid configuration errors and to leverage the system's full potential effectively.


Ensure that all CSRs are adequately trained on the nuances of tier and partner management to maximize the efficiency and accuracy of campaign setups. Regular updates and continuous education on system enhancements are recommended to keep all personnel up-to-date with the latest functionalities.

Additional Resources

  • API Documentation: For more detailed information on API functionalities, including tierPrecedence and other attributes, refer to API Documentation.