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Partners (Products)


This guide provides an overview of the KamioKash Products, explaining its role within the KamioKash rewards system and outlining how product owners and developers can leverage and integrate with its capabilities. This documentation complements our detailed OpenAPI Specification by providing contextual and operational insights.

Key Features

  • Product Browsing: Allows customers and CSRs to explore physical and digital products.
  • Reward Tier Linkage: Associates products with specific reward tiers.
  • AI-Driven Recommendations: Utilizes machine learning to provide personalized product suggestions, which CSRs can use to enhance customer interactions.

Roles and Responsibilities

Customer Success Representatives (CSRs)

CSRs play a crucial role in managing the Partners (Products) page by assisting with campaign management, product allocations, and customer inquiries. They ensure that the offerings are up-to-date and accurately represented according to the marketing strategies and inventory levels.

Key Responsibilities

  • Campaign Management: CSRs set up and manage promotional campaigns for products, coordinating with marketing and inventory management teams to ensure alignment.
  • Customer Interaction: Handle customer queries related to products, facilitating a smooth customer experience and addressing any issues or concerns.
  • Product Updates: Regularly update product information to reflect changes in inventory or promotional strategies.

System Interaction

The Partners (Products) page serves as a pivotal component in our rewards ecosystem, linking various products to reward tiers and utilizing advanced AI to recommend products based on customer behavior and preferences.

Workflow Description

Below are simplified workflows that highlight system interactions and operational processes related to the Partners (Products) page, with a focus on CSR involvement.

Product Selection and Management Process

This process describes how products are selected, managed, and updated within the system, highlighting the role of CSRs.

Integration Points

  • Customer Accounts: Integrates with user account data to tailor product recommendations. CSRs use this data to provide personalized service.
  • Inventory Management: Syncs with inventory systems for real-time product availability, which CSRs manage to ensure accurate product displays.

Using the API

While the OpenAPI Specification provides all technical details for API interaction, here are some key considerations when integrating with the Partners page APIs:

  • Authentication: Ensure that requests to endpoints are authenticated using our specified methods.
  • Data Handling: Be aware of the data format and validation rules as described in the OpenAPI Specification.
  • Rate Limiting: Adhere to the API rate limits to ensure system stability and fairness.

Operational Considerations

  • Security: Follow best practices for securing web applications, including regular audits and compliance checks.
  • Performance: Monitor performance metrics and optimize queries and integrations to handle high loads.
  • Scalability: Design your integration with scalability in mind to accommodate growth in product listings and user traffic.

Getting Help

For further assistance or to report an issue with integration, please contact our technical support team through the developer portal.


We welcome feedback to improve the documentation and functionality of the Partners (Products) page. Please submit suggestions via our feedback channel on the developer portal.