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Enhanced Transaction Mapping


KamioKash's simple mapping engine is a powerful tool designed to streamline the process of transposing external data into our platform's required DTOs. This engine not only simplifies the integration process but also significantly reduces the potential for errors in data conversion, ensuring that earn transactions are processed accurately according to your business rules.

Features of the Simple Mapping Engine

  • Flexibility in Data Conversion: The engine supports a wide range of data types and structures, offering the flexibility to handle data from various sources, including CRM systems, POS systems, and other customer engagement platforms.

  • Custom Mapping Rules: Developers can define custom mapping rules that specify how each piece of incoming data should be converted into the corresponding fields of the KamioKash DTOs. This customization ensures that the data integration meets the specific needs of your business logic.

  • Automated Processing: Once set up, the mapping engine automates the process of data conversion, allowing for the seamless handling of large volumes of transactions without manual intervention.

Setting Up Your Mapping Configuration

  1. Identify Your Data Sources: Start by identifying the different data sources that will feed into the KamioKash system. Understanding the structure and format of your source data is crucial for effective mapping.

  2. Define Mapping Rules: For each source, define a set of mapping rules that describe how data from the source should be transposed into KamioKash's DTO structure. This involves specifying source fields and their corresponding destination fields within the DTOs.

  3. Configure the Mapping Engine: Input your mapping rules into the KamioKash mapping engine through the platform interface, depending on your preference. Our documentation provides detailed instructions and examples to guide you through this process.

  4. Test and Validate: Before going live, it's essential to test and validate your mapping configuration. Use test datasets to ensure that the mapping engine accurately transposes data according to your rules.

Best Practices for Transaction Mapping

  • Keep Mapping Rules Updated: As your data sources evolve, ensure that your mapping rules are kept up-to-date to reflect any changes in data structures or business logic.

  • Monitor and Audit: Regularly monitor the output of the mapping engine and conduct audits to ensure accuracy. This practice helps to identify and rectify any discrepancies promptly.

  • Seek Support When Needed: If you encounter challenges in configuring your mapping rules or if you have complex data integration needs, don't hesitate to reach out to the KamioKash support team for assistance.

By leveraging KamioKash's simple mapping engine, businesses can efficiently integrate diverse data sources into the KamioKash ecosystem, ensuring that earn transactions are processed accurately and rewards are allocated appropriately to customers' accounts. This section of the documentation aims to provide developers with the knowledge and tools needed to successfully set up and manage transaction mappings, enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the earn and burn process.