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Earn and Burn Process Flow


Creation or checking of wallets on sign up

When a new user signs up, KamioKash utilizes a unique identifier, such as a Card Number or Policy Number, provided by you from your CRM or POS or any other system you may use to track your customers. This identifier serves as a profile reference, enabling us to recognize the client and accurately assign points based on their behavior. This approach ensures that the data remains obfuscated, minimizing the transfer of sensitive information between systems and maintaining a high level of security and privacy.

  • User Sign Up: The starting point where a new user initiates their sign-up process on the client's site.
  • User captures profile details: The stage where the user inputs their personal and financial details necessary for profile creation.
  • Use profile reference to create or check if wallet exists: A decision point where the system checks for an existing wallet using a unique profile reference or creates a new one if none exists.

User Creation Example

To create a user's wallet, send a POST request to the KamioKash Wallets API. This request includes the user's unique external identifier and the name you wish to assign to the wallet. Here's how you can do it using curl:

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-api-key: <Your_API_Key>" \
-H "x-api-secret: <Your_API_Secret>" \
-d '{"externalId": "string", "name": "string"}'

Replace <Your_API_Key>, <Your_API_Secret>, "string" in externalId, and "string" in name with your actual API key, secret, and the user's details respectively.

User Check Example

To check if a user's wallet already exists, you can perform a GET request to the KamioKash Wallets API using the user's unique reference (e.g., their external ID used during wallet creation). This request fetches the wallet details if it exists. Use the following curl command, replacing <REFERENCE> with the user's actual reference, and <Your_API_Key> and <Your_API_Secret> with your authentication credentials:

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-api-key: <Your_API_Key>" \
-H "x-api-secret: <Your_API_Secret>" \

This command retrieves information about the user's wallet associated with the specified reference, allowing you to verify its existence and status. It's a crucial step in ensuring that transactions such as earning or burning points are correctly attributed to the right user account.

Earn Transactions (Ingress Transactions)

Earn transactions in KamioKash are designed to reward customers for their engagement and actions by assigning tokens to their accounts. These transactions are processed through multiple channels to accommodate real-time interactions and batch operations, ensuring flexibility and efficiency in rewards distribution.

Processing Channels

  • API for Real-Time Transactions: For immediate processing, earn transactions can be submitted directly through our API. This method is ideal for applications that require instant feedback on customer interactions and reward assignments.

  • SFTP for Batch Loading:

    • XLSX Format: Small files, up to 10,000 records, should be uploaded in XLSX format. This option is suited for moderate-size datasets where the complexity of transactions can be managed within the structure of an Excel file.
    • CSV Format: For larger files, CSV format is recommended. This method supports the handling of extensive datasets efficiently, making it suitable for large-scale operations that involve millions of transactions.

Ingress Transaction Processing

All incoming transactions, referred to as ingress transactions, undergo processing by our dynamic rule engine. This engine evaluates each transaction against a set of predefined rules to accurately assign the appropriate number of tokens to the customer's account. The flexibility of the rule engine allows for a wide variety of transaction types to be recognized and rewarded, accommodating custom behaviors and actions specific to different businesses.

Transaction Mapping

To ensure the utmost flexibility and accuracy in processing, ingress transactions need to be adequately mapped. Mapping involves specifying how each piece of data in the transaction relates to the parameters recognized by our rule engine. Proper mapping guarantees that every transaction is assessed correctly and that rewards are allocated based on the intended criteria.

Integration Steps

  1. API Integration for Real-Time Transactions:

    To integrate real-time earn transactions via the API, developers should refer to the KamioKash API documentation for endpoint details, required parameters, and sample requests.

  2. Setting Up SFTP for Batch Processing:

    • Establish an SFTP connection using the credentials provided by KamioKash.

    • Choose the appropriate file format based on the size and complexity of your transaction dataset.

    • Follow the guidelines for file naming and directory structure as specified in the KamioKash SFTP documentation.

  3. Mapping Transactions:

    Consult the KamioKash mapping guide to understand how to structure your data for processing.

    Utilize the template provided by KamioKash for your chosen file format to ensure that all transactions are correctly mapped and recognized by the rule engine.

Burn Transactions

Burn transactions represent the process through which customers redeem their earned tokens for various rewards. This aspect of the KamioKash platform allows businesses to offer tangible value to their customers, encouraging continued engagement and loyalty. Properly managing burn transactions is crucial for maintaining a balanced and appealing rewards program.

Processing Burn Transactions

Burn transactions are processed differently from earn transactions, with a focus on decrementing the customer's token balance in exchange for a specified reward. This process involves several key steps:

Burn Transaction Rules and Policies

Defining clear rules and policies around burn transactions is essential for a smooth operation. These might include:

  • Minimum Balance Requirements: Specify if there's a minimum token balance that customers must maintain.
  • Expiration Policies: Clearly state if tokens expire and the conditions under which this occurs, ensuring customers are aware of the timeframe for redeeming their rewards.
  • Reward Availability: Outline how often the rewards catalogue is updated and how availability is determined for limited items or services.